Nursery Rhyme: Ants In Your Pants

If you have ants in your pants (clap 3 times)
Fleas in your knees (clap 3 times)
And you feel like a wiggle worm (wiggle)
Come on along with me and you’ll see at times
It’s o.k. to wiggle and squirm

Worms like to wiggle around in the ground
We’re luck that they do
‘Cause when they wiggle they stir up the dirt
And it helps the flowers to bloom

Can you jump up and down just like a flea
That’s what fleas like to do
If you walk under a tree where there is a flea
He will jump on you!

Now ants are very busy workers
They’re always on the move
So put those ants in your pants, get up and dance
Now you’re in the groove

Kids like to wiggle and jump up and down
They’re just like kids that way
When they get to wiggle and jump up and down
They’re havin’ a real good day


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